
March in the Galapagos Islands

The temperature of the air and water in Galapagos varies depending on the strength of the trade winds. December through May, the winds are at their weakest and the cooling currents subside and temperatures rise. The waters are warmest during this period with better visibility making it one of the best times for snorkelling.

The rainy season is reaching its peak in the highlands of the larger islands, leaving them at their most lush and verdant. Conditions in the coastal areas can vary greatly from island to island, and from year to year, sometimes they are green and lush, other times they remain arid, covered with plants that have adapted to desert like conditions.

March is also one of the sunniest months. At the very end of March, the Waved Albatross will start to arrive back to Espanola. Marine Iguanas will also typically begin to nest on Fernandina.


  • Air temperature daily high: 31 °C (87°F)
  • Air temperature daily low: 24 °C (76°F)
  • Average Rainfall: 94 mm (3.7 inches) (mainly in the highlands)
  • Average Water Temperature: 25 °C (77°F)
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  • Nesting Marine Iguanas
  • Land iguanas nesting
  • Islands at their most green and verdant
  • Giant Tortoises laying their eggs in the wild
  • Green Sea Turtles nesting
  • Dolphins and whales present throughout the year in the waters around Galapagos, but numbers vary greatly from year to year.
  • At the end of the month – Waved Albatross will start returning to Espanola
  • Red-footed Boobies and Nazca Boobies breeding and nesting year-round
  • Magnificent Frigatebirds breeding (year-round on North Seymour Island)
  • Flightless Cormorants, Greater Flamingos and Galapagos Penguins year-round, depending on food supply you will see breeding and nesting